Saturday, June 13, 2009

Washington, D.C.

Well, I'm here. That's pretty much the excuse I have for not posting something in two weeks. It's been a bit busy, to say the least.

I got here on Friday, June 5 at about 5 p.m. I spent the weekend getting settled in my room and getting used to my new neighborhood, Columbia Heights.

(Let me pause here and direct you to my Facebook page where you can see a photo album where I give you a tour of the major places I go right now. If for some reason you're reading this and you're not Facebook friends with me [why not friend me?], here's a direct link to the photo album.)

Work started Monday morning, and I've been pretty busy since then. My two biggest clients right now are a nuclear energy company and a trade association that represents companies that manufacture insulation. I'd say the insulation stuff is about as interesting as the corn stuff, but I'm totally loving learning about the nuclear energy stuff.

It is so unbelievably interesting, and it's a major issue in the country right now. It's nice to be learning about something that has really wide application value.

There will be other clients, but for now, that's what I've got. I'm sure there will be more stuff this coming week, but they didn't want to overload me in my first week. That's for my second and third weeks...haha.

So to get to work, I walk a block and a half to the Columbia Heights metro station. I take the green or yellow lines south to Chinatown, where I transfer to the red line. I take the red line west to Farragut North. Then I walk about three or four blocks west and a half a block north to get to my office.

For those keeping track at home, that's:

5 min from the house to the metro
5 min from Columbia Heights to Chinatown
5 min from Chinatown to Farragut North
10 min from Farragut North to the office

...for a grand total of 25 min transit time. It doesn't always take 25 min. During rush hour times, there are more trains, but sometimes you have to wait 2 to 4 min for a train. But mostly, it takes between 25 and 35 min, which really isn't bad. It's better than sitting in traffic, that's for sure.

It's good though. I think I'm really going to like living here. I'll DEFINITELY like it a lot more when Anne and Allie get here though. :-(

But yeah, the guy I'm sharing the basement apartment with is really cool, the three girls who live in the house upstairs are really cool and I really like the people I work with so far.

Financially, things are a bit of a...challenge? Definitely a challenge right now, but they'll get better over the next couple of weeks for sure.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. Really awesome that you're loving it there - DC is a great town. I hope things keep on that track!
