Saturday, August 15, 2009


It's been far too long since the last update. My bad, once again. I always do that. I get really into the idea of a blog, I update fairly regularly for a few weeks and then who the hell knows...I just fade off it.

Well, much has happened in the past month. As a way of encouraging more updates by me, I'm not going to write a novel of an entry. I'm going to try to keep them short, and maybe I'll do this more often. I'll only tell you a bit of what's happened right now, and then in a day or so I'll write another entry, and so on.

First of all, I went on a cruise with Anne and my family and the Goldsteins (family friends). Would you like to see some pictures I took? If so, click here.

Faaantastic. I really love cruises. We weren't really sure what to expect from the cruise, to be honest. We've never gone on a Carnival cruise before, and, frankly, we hadn't heard good things about it going into our vacation. All in all, I have no real complaints. It wasn't as good as Celebrity or Princess, but that's to be expected.

I have nothing bad to say about Carnival, per se. I actually rather enjoyed the water slide, as did my dad and brother, so that was fun. This was also the first time we really tried to take advantage of the entertainment put on by the ship's crew (other than just playing bingo). We went to an 80s revue, the Newlywed, Not-so-Newlywed game, a couple comedy shows and some karaoke.

Lots of fun. I actually sang karaoke for the first time in my life. Stacy, Matt and I sang "Bohemian Rhapsody." It only took three or four drinks to get me up there. The original plan was for Matt and I to wow the crowd with our falsetto voices in "More Than a Feeling," but, sadly (or maybe not-so-sadly?), the song wasn't available.

I won $15 playing the penny machines in the Casino. Good times there. No small feat either -- betting a penny at a time and winning $15.

Whew, that was close! You almost baited me into writing a novel for you anyway! I'll cut myself off here. You have to know your limits, and if you get me started, I'll go on for days and days.


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